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Desde GLOBAL INVEST EJD ofrecemos un amplio catálogo de servicios inmobiliarios y financieros, donde usted tendrá acceso a una exclusiva oferta de inmuebles,con un trato personalizado y una gran oportunidad de inversión.  

GLOBAL INVEST EJD es una empresa inscrita en el Registro Inmobiliario de Cataluña y forma parte de la Asociación de Expertos Inmobiliarios.

Desde Ahoratupiso.com le ofrecemos con el afán de satisfacer sus necesidades, un servicio a medida, personalizado, donde nuestro cliente siempre es lo primero. Compre, venda o alquile su piso con las mejores condiciones.

Con nuestra filosofía enfocada a la calidad y al servicio, estamos continuamente aportando nuevos valores a nuestro trabajo, alcanzando así, excelentes resultados y una satisfacción y valoración excepcional por parte de nuestros clientes.
Gracias a esta filosofía que nos diferencia, no paramos de crecer tanto profesional como personalmente, y queremos aprovechar desde aquí, para dar las gracias a todos y cada uno de los clientes que han confiado y siguen contando con nosotros y que ya forman parte de esta gran familia. GLOBAL INVEST EJD.



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Rbla de Catalunya 75 3º 1ª Barcelona 08007 (Barcelona)

934 609 068 676 296 946


C.I.F. B66693615 Registered with nº 605 / 2016 of the second section in the National Institute of Consumption in the State Register of Companies.

Registered in the Registry of Real Estate Agents of Catalonia, AICAT 7327

Professional Association of Real Estate Experts Associate number 2803

Responsable: XXXXX

Finalidad: Enviarle inmuebles que se ajusten a los requisitos indicados por el cliente al rellenar este formulario.

Legitimación: Ejecución de medidas pre contractuales a solicitud del interesado. (solicitud de presupuestos o información sobre nuestros servicios profesionales).

Destinatarios: Estos datos le llegarán a la oficina y no existe ninguna cesión de datos prevista, salvo obligación legal.

Derechos: Podrá ejercitar los derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión, oposición, portabilidad y retirada de consentimiento de sus datos personales en la dirección de correo electrónico XXXXXX@XXXXXXX.es

In accordance with Article 9 of Law 34/2002, of 11th July, on the Information Society and E-trade services, we hereby inform that this website is owned by Global Invest EJD S.L. , registered in the Commercial Register BARCELONA, Volume 45196 Book _ Sheet 43 Section GENERAL Page 479940.

1. Personal data protection

In compliance with the current legislation, data will be treated in accordance with the provisions of the law in force, regarding data privacy, set on Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27th april 2016 (GDPR), on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and on Article 10 of Law 34/2002 of 11 july of Servicios de la Socieddad de la Información y del Comercio Electrónico (LSSI-CE), Global Invest EJD S.L. informs its users that the data they enter in the inquire forms, or others, will be electronically stored in files owned by the Global Invest EJD S.L. . Thus, Global Invest EJD S.L. undertakes not to use the content to other purpose else than the one for which it was given, guaranteeing maximum confidentiality. It also undertakes to apply the necessary security and technical measures to prevent unauthorized access to them, according to the current legislation on data protection.

2. Right to access, modify and cancel

The data subject has the right to access, modify, cancel and oppose his/her personal data. In order to exercise these rights, the data subject, can write and send a request to Rambla de Catalunya 72 Principal 2ª
, send an email to 
info@globalinvestejd.com, or contact us via phone 934609068.

3. Disclose of information to third parties

Global Invest EJD S.L. undertakes not to sell or transfer the personal information collected from the website to third parties without the express consent of the subject, offering him/her the opportunity to exercise the right to cancel and oppose, as stated before.

4. External links

If the user chooses to leave this website using a link to another website that doesn't belong to the company, Global Invest EJD S.L. will not be responsible for the privacy policies of such websites, or the cookies that they store on the user's computer.

5. Legal issues

This website is subject to the Laws of Spain. Global Invest EJD S.L. may use the personal information provided by the user, without his/her consent, when legally required to, or when acting in good faith, provided that such action is necessary to investigate or protect the guests, visitors or members of Global Invest EJD S.L. or the its own goods (including this website).

6. Changes to the privacy policy of this website

Global Invest EJD S.L. may change the privacy policy of this website. All changes will be posted on this page, in order to keep users informed.


Responsable: XXXXX

Finalidad: Enviarle la información de tu propiedad a la inmobiliaria para que valore si la ofrece a sus clientes para lograr la venta o alquiler del mismo..

Legitimación: La legitimación se basa en el consentimiento que usted nos otorga al clicar el botón “Acepto la política de protección de datos”.

Destinatarios: Los datos del cliente no se cederán a nadie, salvo obligación legal. La información del inmueble podrá ser mostrada a agencias colaboradoras, publicarla en webs y portales.

Derechos: Podrá ejercitar los derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión, oposición, portabilidad y retirada de consentimiento de sus datos personales en la dirección de correo electrónico XXXXXX@XXXXXXX.es

In accordance with Article 9 of Law 34/2002, of 11th July, on the Information Society and E-trade services, we hereby inform that this website is owned by Global Invest EJD S.L. , registered in the Commercial Register BARCELONA, Volume 45196 Book _ Sheet 43 Section GENERAL Page 479940.

1. Personal data protection

In compliance with the current legislation, data will be treated in accordance with the provisions of the law in force, regarding data privacy, set on Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27th april 2016 (GDPR), on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and on Article 10 of Law 34/2002 of 11 july of Servicios de la Socieddad de la Información y del Comercio Electrónico (LSSI-CE), Global Invest EJD S.L. informs its users that the data they enter in the inquire forms, or others, will be electronically stored in files owned by the Global Invest EJD S.L. . Thus, Global Invest EJD S.L. undertakes not to use the content to other purpose else than the one for which it was given, guaranteeing maximum confidentiality. It also undertakes to apply the necessary security and technical measures to prevent unauthorized access to them, according to the current legislation on data protection.

2. Right to access, modify and cancel

The data subject has the right to access, modify, cancel and oppose his/her personal data. In order to exercise these rights, the data subject, can write and send a request to Rambla de Catalunya 72 Principal 2ª
, send an email to 
info@globalinvestejd.com, or contact us via phone 934609068.

3. Disclose of information to third parties

Global Invest EJD S.L. undertakes not to sell or transfer the personal information collected from the website to third parties without the express consent of the subject, offering him/her the opportunity to exercise the right to cancel and oppose, as stated before.

4. External links

If the user chooses to leave this website using a link to another website that doesn't belong to the company, Global Invest EJD S.L. will not be responsible for the privacy policies of such websites, or the cookies that they store on the user's computer.

5. Legal issues

This website is subject to the Laws of Spain. Global Invest EJD S.L. may use the personal information provided by the user, without his/her consent, when legally required to, or when acting in good faith, provided that such action is necessary to investigate or protect the guests, visitors or members of Global Invest EJD S.L. or the its own goods (including this website).

6. Changes to the privacy policy of this website

Global Invest EJD S.L. may change the privacy policy of this website. All changes will be posted on this page, in order to keep users informed.


Responsable: XXXXX

Finalidad: Gestión de las solicitudes de información a través de la página web con la finalidad de prestarles servicios profesionales inmobiliarios y así facilitarles información sobre lo que solicite.

Legitimación: La legitimación se basa en el consentimiento que usted nos otorga al clicar el botón "Acepto la política de protección de datos".

Destinatarios: Sus datos no se cederán a nadie, salvo obligación legal.

Derechos: Podrá ejercitar los derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión, oposición, portabilidad y retirada de consentimiento de sus datos personales en la dirección de correo electrónico XXXXXX@XXXXXXX.es

In accordance with Article 9 of Law 34/2002, of 11th July, on the Information Society and E-trade services, we hereby inform that this website is owned by Global Invest EJD S.L. , registered in the Commercial Register BARCELONA, Volume 45196 Book _ Sheet 43 Section GENERAL Page 479940.

1. Personal data protection

In compliance with the current legislation, data will be treated in accordance with the provisions of the law in force, regarding data privacy, set on Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27th april 2016 (GDPR), on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and on Article 10 of Law 34/2002 of 11 july of Servicios de la Socieddad de la Información y del Comercio Electrónico (LSSI-CE), Global Invest EJD S.L. informs its users that the data they enter in the inquire forms, or others, will be electronically stored in files owned by the Global Invest EJD S.L. . Thus, Global Invest EJD S.L. undertakes not to use the content to other purpose else than the one for which it was given, guaranteeing maximum confidentiality. It also undertakes to apply the necessary security and technical measures to prevent unauthorized access to them, according to the current legislation on data protection.

2. Right to access, modify and cancel

The data subject has the right to access, modify, cancel and oppose his/her personal data. In order to exercise these rights, the data subject, can write and send a request to Rambla de Catalunya 72 Principal 2ª
, send an email to 
info@globalinvestejd.com, or contact us via phone 934609068.

3. Disclose of information to third parties

Global Invest EJD S.L. undertakes not to sell or transfer the personal information collected from the website to third parties without the express consent of the subject, offering him/her the opportunity to exercise the right to cancel and oppose, as stated before.

4. External links

If the user chooses to leave this website using a link to another website that doesn't belong to the company, Global Invest EJD S.L. will not be responsible for the privacy policies of such websites, or the cookies that they store on the user's computer.

5. Legal issues

This website is subject to the Laws of Spain. Global Invest EJD S.L. may use the personal information provided by the user, without his/her consent, when legally required to, or when acting in good faith, provided that such action is necessary to investigate or protect the guests, visitors or members of Global Invest EJD S.L. or the its own goods (including this website).

6. Changes to the privacy policy of this website

Global Invest EJD S.L. may change the privacy policy of this website. All changes will be posted on this page, in order to keep users informed.


Responsable: XXXXX

Finalidad: Gestión de las solicitudes de información a través de la página web con la finalidad de prestarles servicios profesionales inmobiliarios y así facilitarles información sobre lo que solicite y sus dudas.

Legitimación: La legitimación se basa en el consentimiento que usted nos otorga al clicar el botón "Acepto la política de protección de datos".

Destinatarios: Sus datos no se cederán a nadie, salvo obligación legal.

Derechos: Podrá ejercitar los derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión, oposición, portabilidad y retirada de consentimiento de sus datos personales en la dirección de correo electrónico XXXXXX@XXXXXXX.es

In accordance with Article 9 of Law 34/2002, of 11th July, on the Information Society and E-trade services, we hereby inform that this website is owned by Global Invest EJD S.L. , registered in the Commercial Register BARCELONA, Volume 45196 Book _ Sheet 43 Section GENERAL Page 479940.

1. Personal data protection

In compliance with the current legislation, data will be treated in accordance with the provisions of the law in force, regarding data privacy, set on Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27th april 2016 (GDPR), on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and on Article 10 of Law 34/2002 of 11 july of Servicios de la Socieddad de la Información y del Comercio Electrónico (LSSI-CE), Global Invest EJD S.L. informs its users that the data they enter in the inquire forms, or others, will be electronically stored in files owned by the Global Invest EJD S.L. . Thus, Global Invest EJD S.L. undertakes not to use the content to other purpose else than the one for which it was given, guaranteeing maximum confidentiality. It also undertakes to apply the necessary security and technical measures to prevent unauthorized access to them, according to the current legislation on data protection.

2. Right to access, modify and cancel

The data subject has the right to access, modify, cancel and oppose his/her personal data. In order to exercise these rights, the data subject, can write and send a request to Rambla de Catalunya 72 Principal 2ª
, send an email to 
info@globalinvestejd.com, or contact us via phone 934609068.

3. Disclose of information to third parties

Global Invest EJD S.L. undertakes not to sell or transfer the personal information collected from the website to third parties without the express consent of the subject, offering him/her the opportunity to exercise the right to cancel and oppose, as stated before.

4. External links

If the user chooses to leave this website using a link to another website that doesn't belong to the company, Global Invest EJD S.L. will not be responsible for the privacy policies of such websites, or the cookies that they store on the user's computer.

5. Legal issues

This website is subject to the Laws of Spain. Global Invest EJD S.L. may use the personal information provided by the user, without his/her consent, when legally required to, or when acting in good faith, provided that such action is necessary to investigate or protect the guests, visitors or members of Global Invest EJD S.L. or the its own goods (including this website).

6. Changes to the privacy policy of this website

Global Invest EJD S.L. may change the privacy policy of this website. All changes will be posted on this page, in order to keep users informed.



Rbla de Catalunya 75 3º 1ª Barcelona 08007 (Barcelona)

934 609 068 676 296 946


C.I.F. B66693615 Registered with nº 605 / 2016 of the second section in the National Institute of Consumption in the State Register of Companies.

Registered in the Registry of Real Estate Agents of Catalonia, AICAT 7327

Professional Association of Real Estate Experts Associate number 2803